• is a true single source publishing platform to manage all publishing needs powered by Al and automation.

XEditPro - Automated Publishing Tool

XEditPro Publishing Suite is a cloud-based SaaS automated publishing platform pioneered by diacriTech focused on three objectives:

  • Elevate and strengthen quality book, journal, and periodical publishing
  • Evolve publishing model to drive sustainable growth
  • Empower users through technology innovation
  • XEditPro utilizes a combination of automated publishing tools that are AI-powered, natural language processing (NLP), and intelligent workflows to reduce human intervention and provide significant savings in terms of cost and time.

    XEditPro - Automated Publishing Tool

    Future-Proof Solution

    What truly makes XEditPro a robust and future-proof solution is a combination of the following:

  • Business rule engine that allows enhancements to be implemented easily.
  • API-driven microservice architecture enabling integration with third-party entities
  • Scalability using cloud load balancing techniques
  • Advanced security using ACL and IP address-based restriction
  • A modern UI/UX
  • Automated publishing tools and workflow facilitating zero-lag fulfillment of tasks by resources (copyeditors/authors/typesetters/production editors)
  • An impeccable implementation
  • Technology as a differentiator

    In a highly competitive publishing market characterized by high capacity, low margins, and limited time-to-market, publishers gain an imperative advantage by embracing new technologies that leverage AI and NLP. Pre-editing, Copyediting and Composition are some of the critical areas where XEditPro embraces the technology of the future to provide unparalleled benefits today. Using a single automated publishing platform for all the processes from receipt of manuscripts to final delivery (PDF/XML/ePuB/Word) in the editorial cycle reduces technology upkeep costs. It provides a consistent experience to editors and authors alike.

    Intelligent tools to improve speed and quality

    XEditPro is an all-in-one typesetting automated publishing tool with all the necessary standards required to meet contemporary publishers' goals in one platform.

    Pre-editing & Assisted Copyediting:

    • Automated cleanup (removal of unwanted elements, insertion of required spaces, replacement of incorrect punctuation marks/special characters)
    • Editorial style application
    • Missing Links checking (Figure, Table, and References)
    • Information lookup to check accuracy (Crossref, PubMed, ORCID & FundRef)
    • Rule-based structuring as per publisher-specific styles/word preferences
    • Custom dictionary integration with NLP (Natural Language Processing)

    Editing & Proofing:

    • Online editing (Editor vs. PDF/Editor/XML/EPUB)
    • Easy to use Word-like WYSIWYG editor
    • Download PDF for offline review
    • Standard shortcut keystrokes for editing convenience
    • Reference editing through forms
    • Support for comments and author queries
    • Supports insertion and manipulation of non-text objects (image/symbols/table/equation/asset etc.)
    • In-built equation editor for Math/Scientific formulae
    • Track Changes for editing and review of content including formatting changes


    • Comprehensive set of layout instructions
    • Flexibility in placement of anchored images in PDF and EPUB
    • The layout of the page, paragraph, line, header, etc. can be fine-tuned with easy access menus
    • Properties and settings can be controlled easily for each object (box/image/table/lists)
    • Auto-numbering feature for images and tables.
    • Style applying feature for new content (Headers/Paragraph/Lists/Boxes etc.)
    • WYSIWYG editing feature for table formatting

    Indexing/Glossary/TOC :

    • Creating and managing index entries based on selected words or phrases
    • Manual and Automated indexing options available
    • Multiple index types (subject index/author index etc.)
    • Support for see and see-also indexing elements
    • Allow swapping of Index levels
    • Automatic generation
      • TOC
      • Index
      • Glossary
      • Table of Figures

    Book Creation :

    • Select chapters, reorder (drag & drop)
    • Automatic callouts update (figure/table/box etc.) while swapping chapters
    • Capture further details such as ISBN, CIP etc.
    • Generate book PDF for print/web
    • Insert cover page or any color plates
    • Automated
      • TOC Generation
      • Index creation with updated pages
      • Update of continuous page number
      • Creation of bookmarks and web links

    Issue Make Up for Journals:

    • Select articles that make up each issue and order them
    • Capture information such as volume number, issue number, year, start page number, etc.
    • Option to include advertisements
    • View articles in past and present issues
    • Insert cover page
    • Revoke article from past issue and add it to forthcoming issue
    • Automated
      • TOC Generation
      • Continuous page number update across articles

    Single Source – Multiple Outputs:

    XEditPro creates various outputs to meet consumers' expectations of easy, inexpensive access to content in many formats and across many channels.

    Workflow and Production Management:

    • Role-based access control and security
    • Seamless integration of various roles in the publishing life cycle
    • Content integrity through versioning and enforced workflow
    • Workflow customization
    • Real-time status notifications to indicate completion of milestones
    • Reporting dashboards on KPIs to monitor production status
    • Ability to rollback any stage in publishing life cycle
    • Production data archival
    • Built-in mail management system for project status communication
    • Configurable communication templates (mails/notifications)
    • Default fallback notifications for better user experience
    • Audit/Trail log maintained for all events occurring in stages of publishing
    Workflow and Production Management

    Digital Asset Management:

    • Flexible and scalable cloud-based storage to manage assets
    • User interface is intuitive, accessible, and actionable
    • Full visibility on each portfolio increasing probability of assets to be re-purposed
    • Greater control over access for different roles (Admin, Photo Researcher, Author, Editor)
    • Monitor and track rights-managed assets to initiate the timely process of extending or renewing licenses
    • Version control to monitor the processing of files, compare versions, and ensure only up-to-date content is used
    • Critical metadata for digital assets can be defined, used, and viewed anytime
    • Improved content discoverability with detailed search on any content, auto-generation of previews of files and auto-tagging
    • Dynamic usage reports provide better insights with analytics
    Digital Asset Management