ELearning Services
In a short period, digital education has come a long way, from just providing text-based courses to learner-centric interactive solutions. Now, content is presented in more interactive formats like instructional videos, game-based eLearning solutions, augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR) apps, assessment tools with NLP, podcasts, etc. - the list is endless. With so many educational resources, there is no limit to learning and also no limit to the potential of improving student engagement and learning outcomes..
diacriTech has developed significant expertise for eLearning services in the K-12 STEM education space by capitalizing on these new trends. Using emerging learning concepts like gamification, interactivities, social, and mobile, we help millennial learners upskill for the future. We provide eLearning Services, Editorial Services, and interactive solutions that not only jell with new-age methodologies but are also responsive and screen-size scalable on different devices.
diacriTech has a renowned team that can provide you with design-effective bespoke pre-editing services, copy editing services, eBook creations, and high-tech eLearning services. They can help convert your existing training content such as instructor-led, PDFs, PPTs, and other on-paper learning content into custom interactive eLearning material.

Our eLearning services include the following:
- Storyboarding and instructional design
- Interactive eBook creation (HTML5)
- Videos (Animated or Photo-story)
- Flash cards (HTML5)
- Conventional Interactives in HTML5 (utilizing sliders/drag and drop/hotspots etc.)
- 3D modeling and animation development
- Games and Simulation tools
- LMS content population and migration
- Assessment and practice test applications (Templates/Scorm packages/Test Generators)
- Data visualizations or Infographics
- Conversion of Flash assets to HTML5 interactivities
- Conversion of Flash animations to videos
- Authoring Tools for creating Interactivities
- Podcast Production & Editing
- App development (iOS/iPhone/android)