SSPARKL - the eReader app for effortless reading on digital devices
With the rising popularity of hand held devices like iPhone, iPad & Tablet, the world of eBooks is one that will only continue to open up to readers on the go. EBooks are popular for many reasons; they are searchable, portable and convenient, instantly downloadable, and provide huge savings in terms of costs, space and environment.
The variation in the volume and type of digital content being read along with major breakthroughs in e-Reader technologies has made e-reading enthusiasts keen for more options to enrich their reading experience. It has also increased the necessity for high-end features such as highlighting or underlining key words and phrases, annotating a text or marking the pages, effective and focused searching tools, support for interactive features such as video streaming, audio narration, and animation.
SSPARKL e-Reading app is the proven solution to handle the challenges and opportunities of e-reading in the growing mobile landscape of today's digital world. The best thing about ssparkl is that it is portable and cross-platform compatible, so that it can be used in Windows, iOS and android-based mobile devices.
The features that influence usability and readability:
- Discover and access eBook content: Browse and purchase commercial eBook titles by accessing online store.
- Engage students in an active way with Video streaming & animations
- Customize options help to shape and enhance your individual reading experience.
- Pick up where left off: By synchronizing furthest page read, bookmarks and highlights across devices
- Visual aids: Adjust the size of text to make reading easier.
- Search without losing focus: The search tool lets the reader find every instance of a word or phrase; whether it's contained in page content, TOC items, annotation, or bookmarks or a combination of these elements. All instances of the search term will be populated as a scrollable list in the search panel with its surrounding context besides being highlighted in the displayed page content.
- Read-aloud feature: Support students who are sight impaired or have reading difficulties. And many more...
SSPARKL has been successfully customized to meet the specific requirement of Kendall Hunt Publishing, Bhalani Medical Book House etc.
The best reading experience requires more than just good content. SSPARKL with the right combination of features and performance gives readers the experience they've always wanted!
KH Reader

Bhalani e-Reader