From writing specifications to creating templates to page makeup and more, diacriTech composition teams have the experience you should demand from the publishing partners you’ve entrusted with transforming your manuscript into finished product. Composition services are available for several languages including, but not limited to Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese.
Our staff stays current with new technologies and the latest version of commonly used softwares. We routinely use the following softwares:
- Adobe InDesign
InMath, PowerMath, MathMagic, InCopy, K4,
- QuarkXpress
Autopage, XMath (Mathables), Tableworks,
- Adobe FrameMaker
- TeX, LaTeX
- Corel Ventura
- Arbortext APP 3B2
- Composition directly from Database, SGML/XML/
With streamlined processes, diacriTech meets the strictest of schedules with the highest quality.
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